Here are some frequently asked questions. Answered by Leon himself.

1. What are the tokenomics of Trust Leon?

Liquidity: 600 Million (60%) with 100% of liquidity burned to ensure a stable and secure environment for trading.

Pre-sale Allocation: 250 Million (25%) allocated for pre-sale with a maximum purchase limit of 10 Million per person (1% of total supply).

Dev Hold: 80 Million (8%) reserved for the development team to ensure ongoing project support and sustainability.

Marketing: 70 Million (7%) allocated for marketing efforts to foster community engagement, increase awareness, and drive adoption.

2. What future utility are we looking at involving BLBY and Trust Leon?

I have alot of ideas for the future and as my community knows BLBY has helped me get in touch with serious real life investors. I will keep developing BLBY and Trustleon. An Company supporting my tokens is not out of the question. I do have to say this will not be a short term plan!

3. How exactly will the new coin dilute into BLBY? How would cross marketing/rewards work?

We will push the tokens as an partnership. Any marketing done for either token will include the other!

Im working on setting up an system where u can stake BLBY to earn TLEON and vice versa.

4. At what MC do you and the “team” plan on taking profits out of Trust Leon?

I think at launch we could see a incredible pump alot of people will want to join!

I have set these MC at wich i will take profits to put into BLBY.
5M MC (1%)
10M MC (1%)
25M MC (1%)

I want to sell as little as possible because ultimately my plan is to grow both tokens to 100M MC minimum!

5. Will there be a core team behind you for marketing, rewards, stability purposes?

After creating BLBY i have met some trustworthy members that i feel comfortable including into a Team!

The community was also always meant to be one big TEAM.

6. Will we be pivoting our goals for BLBY in any way, we all want to “hold for gold” but what plans do we have for when we reach certain Market Caps?

I have tought about this alot.

Its always your own decisions if u want to take out some profits. However i always intended to create projects for the long term! A safe place to invest without the risk of getting rugged.

So my goals are still:
100M MC

7. Are there any larger marketing plans being worked on to help give BLBY and Trust Leon a higher level of exposure?

Yes i have taken time to think of new and improved marketing!

8. In what ways will BLBY and Trust Leon be connected? Telegram, Socials, Website, ect?

I will keep the Trust Leon channel for announcements.

We are the same community so I want to keep the same chats and socials! Additional website will be created to explain Trust Leon (your here now!).

9. With Trust Leon not being based off a mainstream meme how will we create digital art for the community to use when raiding?

I have made different styles animations.! I can always create more. I think having an original character based of me is perfect to bring into the meme world!

10. How do we create a relatable story behind Trust Leon? Memes are meant to be relatable and light hearted, most inventors won't know who you are and won't have an immediate connection from the name alone.

I would always advise inviting them to join the telegram and from there we have to do our part as a community explaining this!

To be fair none of u knew me a few months ago but I know I have gained real trust!

11. How will we convince investors that we are not a cult who follows you blindly when the partner coin is based off of your image?

Because no one should follow me blindy! I always encourage everyone to DYOR.

12. Are you sure that using Trust Leon as the name for the partner coin is the best option? We are telling the investors to just trust you but in saying that it could come off as if something happened in the past that they should look past and not think about.

I believe its the choice to make yes.

13. Can we keep the news of a large inventor hidden until after the fact, announcing when it will be coming will lead to more people trying to manipulate the price. Also when the time does come can the investment be broken into small chunks to not raise suspicions and keep price steady?

Investment will get DCA'd in at an undisclosed moment! I have given the community an timeframe more will not be announced.

14. What are the goals for Trust Leon? I know we are a week out from Launch but a detailed road map would help display to investors what we are trying to achieve.

Detailed roadmap will be put on the Trust Leon Website!

15. How can we keep eyes on BLBY when we are launching a new coin?

Because they are connected in everyway possible. No Trust Leon without BLBY.

16. What are your expectations from the community? What can we do to help grow both coins?

I need the activity up in the community. And we have to raid like we did in the start of BLBY.

17. How can we maintain long term growth rather than riding the high of a new coin and investors leaving once the hype and fomo are gone?

The real life investors will not leave. I aim to create utilities to assure the tokens dont live on only HYPE.

18. How can we convince people that we are not an elaborate pump n dump scheme, we already have a coin that from a chart perspective looks like a pump n dump, how will we convince people that this won't happen again?

If u look at the history I think it shows our resilience and mental strength. There was a big dump when we got stuck at 2-3M and also when I announced the additional token! Now we are left with the real diamonds and they will be the foundation.